How Music Influences Fashion

It is undoubtedly not an unknown fact that music and fashion have always stood side by side. Whenever a particular trend is seen in any music genre, the fashion industry will immediately pick it up. If you doubt this claim, then let’s look at examples of some of the influences music has had in the fashion industry. The most obvious areas are punk, grime and 90s grunge, which were all inspired by music and found their way into the fashion industry.

Music is one of the largest industries and has played a significant role around the world, especially in the world of fashion. Many artists have influenced fashion such as Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, Madonna, Lady Gaga and many others. According to Billboard Magazine, music stars are the top rising groups of fashion celebrity.

For many years now, artists such as Rihanna have been associated with the Puma line, Beyonce with H&M, and Kanye West with Adidas. There is no doubt that fashion and music go together.

Some other examples can be seen when Jean Paul Gaultier paid tribute to the late David Bowie’s songs in his 2016 fashion shows. The famous designer, Marc Jacobs, is known to study music as it has influenced most of his collections.

Three Ways Music Can Change Your Life

Music is a transcendental form of art known to move people in so many ways. It is part of our culture and lifestyle. We can safely say that we, as humans, cannot live without music. Music has a significant impact on our memories, it lifts our mood and gives us hope for the future.

Here are three ways music can affect us all.

It Changes Our Emotional State

Our emotional state comprises of our focus, language, and physiology. Music can affect these three areas of our emotions easily. If the music which you are familiar with begins to play, you immediately lose focus, and your memories will start to pop up. At that moment, your focus is changed, and you will start to feel some emotions.

It Connects You to Others

Music brings people together. You can connect with people with similar music interests. It is the highlight of every party, and you can connect with friends and build new relationships. Music connects you with your past, present, and future.

It Makes the Silence More Vivid

When music is playing, and it suddenly stops, you will notice the silence which occurs. You will appreciate the silence more. Music allows us to understand the silence and develop our skill to listen more.

Nine Reasons Why Art and Music Are Helpful for Children

Music is essential to everyone, especially when growing up as a child. It is vital that it is taught in schools, as the benefits are so great. Music is an art, and it allows children to express their creativity.

Here are some reasons why children need music in their lives.

Brain Booster

When children make music, they are also able to expand their brain. What music does to the brain, is that it stimulates it, just as when they are working on maths or any other learning subject.

Improves Academic Results

Children who are inclined to enjoy art have more educational benefits. Music motivates children to do well in class, and to remain in school. It motivates them to improve their performance.

Lasting Memory

If you want your kids to have a retentive memory, music will help achieve this. Studies show that children exposed to music at an early age can understand phrases, sounds, and movements

sooner. Dancing also helps children develop excellent motor abilities. Even adults get the benefit of a remarkable memory from listening to music.

Improves Creativity

If a child is creative naturally in arts, you will see them expand in their gift when they listen to or create music. If you allow your children to express themselves, it is a great way to open channels of creativity in their lives.

Music Enhances Social Skills

Music classes help children learn skills such as teamwork, leadership and communication.

Enhances Language, Art and Reading Skills

Music expands the brains of children, and this means that they can acquire knowledge faster. Studies conducted at the renowned University of Southern California show that music can develop the brain for language learning in children. Toddlers can identify shapes and colours using music. If you want to improve communication and reading skills in your children, introducing them to music will be a great start.

Builds Confidence

With music, children can develop skills which will help them build their confidence. Studies have shown that when children participate in arts and music, the compliments they get gives them confidence.

Music Connects People

Music has a great way of creating a fun-filled atmosphere. It is also an excellent way for children to connect with cultures and the people around them. Children can connect with their parents and siblings when listening to music.

Art and Music Instills Discipline

When children learn music, they can discover different vital theories on the subject. Even though a child may be musically talented, it will take dedication and practice to improve their gifts. They will need the devotion to commit their time to train, and appropriate classrooms, which will help them learn discipline.

Reasons You Should Take up a Musical Instrument

There are so many benefits you can get from learning how to play a musical instrument. It helps you develop confidence, improves your memory and also you see changes in your social life. Here are the reasons why you should start learning an instrument now.

You Become Smarter

Albert Einstein, a great physicist, said that life without music is inconceivable. Studies have undoubtedly shown that there is a relationship between musical training and success in academics. Your brain is stimulated when you play music and this, in turn, will improve your memory and reasoning, as well as other intellectual functions for you to succeed in science-related subjects.

Your Social Life Will Improve

Also, when you play an instrument, you help expand your social circle. You get to meet people in your music classes and build new relationships with those around you.

Relieves Stress

Playing musical instruments has a very unique effect on your emotions, heart rate, and blood pressure. According to the psychologist Jane Collingwood, slow classical music is the best for your system. Music can play a significant role in relaxing your mind and body, especially quiet traditional rhythms.

You Get a Sense of Achievement

During rehearsals, you may struggle to get the best performance, but eventually, you succeed in the competition. By delivering an incredible rendition, you develop a little pride from your achievement, which is healthy.

It Builds Your Confidence

Playing musical instruments builds your confidence, especially if you are going to be performing in front of a large audience. Playing in public places such as at concerts will make you show your talent, and you will see a lot of people anticipating your music.

It Improves Patience

When you start learning how to play musical instruments, it might not seem easy for the first few lessons, but gradually you will improve. You will notice that with constant practice: and time, you get better at it. This will also allow you to apply this in your everyday life as you learn to be patient in all matters.

It Helps Improve Your Memory

Studies have shown that playing musical instruments also enhances your memory, literacy skills, and reasoning. When you play a musical instrument, you are utilising the two parts of your brain.

It Makes You More Creative

Playing musical instruments helps you discover your creative side. As you play other people’s notes, you will find new ways to create your own unique piece.

Best Gadget for Producing Music

We live in a world of technology, and it has played a significant role in every area of our lives and even in the world of music. We can hardly live our lives today without it.

Technology in music keeps evolving, and artists may not need recording studios anymore, because they can produce their music anywhere when they are using advanced technology. In this very informative article, we will show you how some gadgets are useful in making great music in our time and are available just at the tip of our fingers.

Music makers don’t depend entirely on studios to make music, as it was done some years ago. They can easily create songs with many devices. There are also platforms where they can upload their music, so it can reach a wide range of listeners all over the world.

All these can be done at a cost-effective rate without having to break the bank. Many affordable devices can create great music, and we will mention just two of them which you will find interesting.

Sony Xperia Z4 Tablet

This gadget speaks volumes when it comes to the number of features it renders for music makers. The sound quality is excellent, with its high-resolution music assistant and strong RAM. It can handle large file apps without breaking. It has a good battery: life, and the display is fantastic with beautiful graphics and sharp images. The keyboard accessories are detailed and functional. This gadget is a must-have for music enthusiasts and music producers.

Apple iPad Pro

This is another gadget, especially for those who don’t have a love for Android devices. The iOS counterpart is a reliable device with useful features. It comes with a Hexa-core CPU which is super fast and can allow music producers to install their software on this gadget.