Music is essential to everyone, especially when growing up as a child. It is vital that it is taught in schools, as the benefits are so great. Music is an art, and it allows children to express their creativity.
Here are some reasons why children need music in their lives.
Brain Booster
When children make music, they are also able to expand their brain. What music does to the brain, is that it stimulates it, just as when they are working on maths or any other learning subject.
Improves Academic Results
Children who are inclined to enjoy art have more educational benefits. Music motivates children to do well in class, and to remain in school. It motivates them to improve their performance.
Lasting Memory
If you want your kids to have a retentive memory, music will help achieve this. Studies show that children exposed to music at an early age can understand phrases, sounds, and movements
sooner. Dancing also helps children develop excellent motor abilities. Even adults get the benefit of a remarkable memory from listening to music.
Improves Creativity
If a child is creative naturally in arts, you will see them expand in their gift when they listen to or create music. If you allow your children to express themselves, it is a great way to open channels of creativity in their lives.
Music Enhances Social Skills
Music classes help children learn skills such as teamwork, leadership and communication.
Enhances Language, Art and Reading Skills
Music expands the brains of children, and this means that they can acquire knowledge faster. Studies conducted at the renowned University of Southern California show that music can develop the brain for language learning in children. Toddlers can identify shapes and colours using music. If you want to improve communication and reading skills in your children, introducing them to music will be a great start.
Builds Confidence
With music, children can develop skills which will help them build their confidence. Studies have shown that when children participate in arts and music, the compliments they get gives them confidence.
Music Connects People
Music has a great way of creating a fun-filled atmosphere. It is also an excellent way for children to connect with cultures and the people around them. Children can connect with their parents and siblings when listening to music.
Art and Music Instills Discipline
When children learn music, they can discover different vital theories on the subject. Even though a child may be musically talented, it will take dedication and practice to improve their gifts. They will need the devotion to commit their time to train, and appropriate classrooms, which will help them learn discipline.